Like so many other people, not only journalists, the author of the Washington Post article “Trump turns to Europe far right as he detains Latin American children”, Ishaan Tharoor, has accused the US President of trying to justify the cruel family separations at the US-Mexico borders with fake figures about crimes, allegedly committed by migrants in Germany. The CEO of Legal Alliance, Dr. Michael Scheele, has commented the revealing article in an open letter to the Washington Post author.
Dear Ishaan,
The casualties, caused by migrants in Germany reflect less than 10% of the number of victims who died in only one (of the many) school massacres in the USA– due to unchanged laws,which so many citizens (and all democratic lawmakers) want to see changed.
If prevention of crimes is at heart for Donald Trump,I suggest to your president to begin in his court yard. But if ( instead) he prefers to break the EU apart, he shall try and continue ,to do so.We will overcome his presidency.The German-US American friendship is stronger than Donald and his entourage..I know, what I am talking about and I will be forever grateful to my friends in the USA,where i spent one year as an exchange student, which finally let me become a lawyer, also e.g. for Michael Jackson (in Germany) together with my colleague John Branca in Los Angeles…Thanks Ishaan for bringing the Trump desaster to the point
Dr. Michael Scheele