The Bulgarian Program for Residence & Citizenship helps and enables investors from third countries to get speedy access to the EU Schengen countries. The Legal Alliance attorney in Munich, Anastasiya Quirling, a native Bulgarian, can assist effectively.
The Investor Program helps to get the following benefits:
- Residency within six to nine month
- Fast-track option for citizenship within two years
- Special exemption from physical presence
- Government-approved investments and available financing options from banks
- No language requirements
- No obligation to relinquish current nationality
- Lowest tax rates and free-trade environment within the EU
Full Investment
Applicants choosing this option must deposit BGN 1 million (€511,292) in a Governmental Bond Portfolio for an investment period of five years with no further payment required. At the end of the five-year period, the full amount will be returned to the investor without any accrued interest. The investment is fully guaranteed by the government bonds.
Financed Investment
Clients can leverage their capital by choosing to finance the required investment amount through a European bank. Please contact Legal Alliance for the cost of financing and further details.
In accordance with the Bulgarian Citizenship Act, foreign investors who hold a permanent resident permit for at least five years are eligible to apply for Bulgarian citizenship. The requirements for those who opt for the regular program are as follows:
- Be over 18 years old.
- Must have maintained permanent resident status and a valid residential address for the past five years.
- Must have never been sentenced by a Bulgarian court for a capital offence or accused in criminal proceedings for such a crime (unless he/she has been rehabilitated).
Investors will need to file a citizenship application and pass medical tests in their current country of residence.
Legal Alliance with its Bulgarian lawyer can help and assist through all necessary procedures.