Kategorie: Neuigkeiten

Breaking News: Dr. Scheele addresses Washington Post about new Trump fake-news
Like so many other people, not only journalists, the author of the Washington Post article “Trump turns to Europe far right as he detains Latin American children”, Ishaan Tharoor, has accused the US President of trying to justify the cruel family separations at the US-Mexico borders with fake figures about crimes, allegedly committed by migrants in Germany. The CEO of Legal Alliance, Dr. Michael Scheele, has commented the revealing article in an open letter to the Washington Post author. weiterlesen

Mafia in Sicily is defeated
“Mafia in Sicily is defeated” said Palermo Mayor Leoluca Orlando to Dr. Michael Scheele, CEO of Legal Alliance at a recent conference in Palermo. Dr. Scheele was guest speaker at an international lawyers conference in the capital of Sicily. weiterlesen

Breaking news: New privileges for foreigners in Dubai
Also, business people will soon be able to own 100% per cent of their companies in the UAE contrary to only 49% per cent today. These new rules make the Emirates even more attractive for foreigners than ever before.
On May 20th 2018 the rulers of Dubai and Abu Dhabi announced the launch of an integrated visa system aimed at attracting professionals and talented people in all vital sectors with a 10 years UAE residence visa. Students can get a five years Visa. The Cabinet also announced changes to the foreign ownership system of companies in the UAE approving a decision allowing 100 per cent ownership of UAE based enterprises for international investors (until today only 49 per cent ownership was possible).
The new laws will be implemented by the end of the year. weiterlesen

TOP 100 Lawyers Germany
This comes as a result of a research and opinion poll, carried out by the international magazine “Lawyer – Monthly”. weiterlesen

[:de]Interview: Dr. Michael Scheele in der März Ausgabe von Lawyer Monthly[:en]Interview: Dr. Michael Scheele in Lawyer Monthly March 2018 Edition[:]
Das gesamte Interview ist direkt hier als PDF und auch online unter lawyer-monthly.com/issues/2018/03/30/ zu finden.
Zurück zu Rechtsanwalt München | Internationales Recht | Wirtschaftsrecht | Familienrecht und Erbrecht | Medienrecht | Arbeitsrecht[:en]Dr. Michael Scheele was interviewed for the Lawyer Monthly March Edition:
The interview is available as PDF and also online at lawyer-monthly.com/issues/2018/03/30/.[:]